Half Term and DofE – An October 2018 Retrospective

Here at Land & Wave we don’t sit still and we know the importance of investing in our staff, making sure our team are the very best they can be.


In the start of a new series, we will be taking a look back at what we were up to last month. So let’s have a look back at October, Land & Wave style.

Half Term

This half term, we ran the last two Kids Club days of 2018. With October being renowned for being a spooky time of the year, we gave these Bushcraft days a special Halloween makeover.  

Both of these days were great and we helped tackle ‘Generation Zombie’ in the only way we know how; getting kids outdoors and away from screen, teaching them new skills and having epic adventures along the way.

Girl holding a pumpkin during October Half Term Bushcraft day


It was a great month for our school visitors. With the summer refusing to give way, we were graced with absolutely amazing sunny and warm late summer weather and we made the absolute most of it.

We got to spend time with six different schools and three NCS groups from across the South East, delivering epic adventures on land and in the sea to 635 kids aged between 8 and 18.


We continued our latest Duke of Edinburgh Gold Residential programme. Over the five days, the 29 participants from all over the country gained their First Aid and Lifesaving qualifications and took part in a variety of activities including Raft building, Team Building, a Night Hike, Coasteering and Bushcraft.

Ongoing training

Here at Land & Wave we don’t sit still and we know the importance of investing in our staff, making sure our team are the very best they can be.

Dave and Owen spent a week up in Wales with Ray Goodwin completing the British Canoeing Open Water Canoe and White Water Canoe training courses.

On a sunny Friday afternoon, people from all parts of Land & Wave, ventured into the woods for some Ultimate Stag training. The afternoon was spent near Norden, with a strong emphasis on deer butchery, a unique part of our Ultimate Stag experience.

Canoeing. British Canoeing. Coaches. Coaching Awards

The Outdoor Instructor Training class of 2018/2019

In the last week of October, we welcomed the Outdoor Instructor Training class of 2018/19. Now in its 5th season, this year sees 31 students join us for 15 weeks of intensive, professional training as they start out on their journey in the Outdoor Industry.

It’s going to be a great winter and we’ll be updating you on their progress.

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Dorset Video Project

We’ve been continuing our support for the Dorset Video Project. This has included making the most of amazing sunrises and sunsets to get some jaw dropping footage of us enjoying all the amazing scenery that Dorset has to offer.

After 6 months of filming, the premiere is taking place later this month (November). We’ve seen some teaser clips and we are absolutely buzzing with excitement to see how it all turns out.

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End of Season Party

Now a Land & Wave tradition, the end of season party saw everybody get together for one last time before many of our seasonal staff headed off across the globe for a winter full of adventure and discovery.

The sole intention of the party was to celebrate another amazing year delivering epic experiences to schools and clients.

Awards were delivered, food and drink were consumed; memories were forged and hangovers were set into motion. Batman even made an appearance.

The winter will be short and we’ll all be back together, ready for the 2019 Summer season.

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Looking forward

November is the start of the ‘Land & Wave Winter season’. We’ll still be delivering our school residentials and activities, but we’ll also be restocking our equipment, training and planning on how to improve throughout next year.

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Do you want to join in? Here’s some adventures for you to try this November.

We are running 50% off all Coasteering and Survival Skills days in November. To check out the availability and to book, click here

We’ve launched our Christmas ‘Disconnect to Reconnect’ Christmas campaign, with the aim to get more people off their phones and into the outdoors. Click here to find out more

If you’re an Outdoor Professional and are looking to add further qualifications to your resume, check out the courses we run, which include First Aid and Foundation Safety and Rescue Training.

Don’t forget you can follow all our adventures on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Linkedin.

08 November 2018 by Matt Brown

It was a great month for our school visitors. With the summer refusing to give way, we were graced with absolutely amazing sunny and warm late summer weather and we made the absolute most of it. We got to spend time with six different schools and three NCS groups from across the South East, delivering epic adventures on land and in the sea to 635 kids aged between 8 and 18.

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