Applying for a job in the outdoor industry…

We try and be very clear about what information we want from applicants and how that information should be presented.


Applying for a job in the outdoor industry


We’ve seen lots and lots of CV’s over the years.

Sometimes we get lots and lots of applicants for just one job.

We try and be very clear about what information we want from applicants and how that information should be presented.

Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating when, potentially great, applicants make silly mistakes that devalue their application.

What we’ve written below is based on our experience and preference.

Five Top tips when applying for a job    

  • If you don’t have the minimum/ essential qualifications stated in the job advert don’t apply for the job
  • If the job advert asks for a cover letter and a CV, send a cover letter and CV
  • If the job advert asks for email applications to have a specific title, use that title
  • liz
  • Make sure that your cover letter (or email) is polite, don’t be rude, make demands or list expectations when making contact with a potential employer for the first time
  • Don’t call or email a company with a long list of questions about a job; do your own research then (maybe) make a quick call to introduce yourself

Five Top Tips for writing a CV for the outdoor industry

  • Use simple formatting, keep it clean and simple
  • A single side of A4 is perfect, Two sides of A4 maximum
  • Remove anything subjective
  • Show relevant qualifications and experience only (There’s no need to bullet point your responsibilities as a bar person 12 years ago)
  • Don’t write your CV in the third person (really, really don’t do this)

Ask a good friend to look through your CV, ask them to be brutal, take what they say on board, make changes then show your CV to another friend and ask them to be brutal as well. Get it right.

If you want the job and get offered a chance to visit the organisation for an interview – go to the interview, be on time, be suitably dressed in clean clothes and be excited and engaging.


Good luck out there…

11 December 2015 by Owen Senior

Ask a good friend to look through your CV, ask them to be brutal

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