Introducing our brilliant trainee instructor: Han Trimby

"The course has been more to what I ever expected! When I thought of the duration and how much we had to complete I wondered how it was all ever going to get completed and signed off."


Han is another one of our fine trainee instructors on our Accelerated Instructor Training course

Name: Han Trimby

Age: 20

What were you doing before the course? Prior to the course, I spent 16 months working for a payroll company. I was working for client care, this meant dealing with queries from contractors and consultants as well helping out with sales. Apart from work I’ve recently come back to a expedition to Everest Base Camp. I also enjoyed competing to black belt standard with Tae Kwon-Do and grade 8 drumming.

Why did you choose the Land & Wave Course? I was a part-time TA whilst completing my A-Levels and was fortunate enough to go as an adult with the school I was a TA for. On these days away, I realised that this was something that I really do enjoy and is something I would love to pursue. When I found out Land & Wave do an instructors training course I didn’t think twice about signing up to be a trainee instructor!

Has the course lived up to your expectations? Has anything been better? The trainee instructor course has been more to what I ever expected! When I thought of the duration and how much we had to complete I wondered how it was all ever going to get completed and signed off. I find the speed of the course great, it is perfect! You get so much done in so little time and learn so much. I cannot believe how much I have learnt already in 6 weeks!

What have you most enjoyed about the course? I came to the course with the main love for coasteering! However as the course has gone on (coasteering is still my favourite) but I also now love paddle boarding and many others. I was a complete beginner with paddle boarding, having never done it before I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but it’s fab! I have learnt so much already.

If you are unsure about anything there is never a silly question, the instructors are always willing to help and explain. There is so much you get to do and learn, there are so many activities you can do. It is hard not to talk about them all, as there is a likability for all.

What do you want to do after the course? I would love to get a job within the outdoor industry, this course has allowed me to be able to see that this is the route I would like to take. I hope to get a summer season job leading some of these activities, and then in the winter potentially do a season abroad snowboarding!

Trainee Instructor, Han Trimby standin in the water whilst coasteering wearing a helmet and wetsuit

20 January 2016 by Graham Milton

When I found out Land & Wave do an instructors training course I didn’t think twice about signing up for it!

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